About Us

At Horsted Keynes Preschool, we understand that young children thrive in an environment which is supportive, caring and stimulating. We also know that young children learn primarily through play and real-life experiences.
This is reflected in our approach, where we see ourselves as partners in the children’s learning and plan around the children’s existing interests/abilities - and ensures that children are interested and motivated to learn.
We plan the Preschool environment, resources and experiences in ways which empower children to seek meaning, find solutions and use creative thinking processes. We facilitate this with sensitive questioning, by offering practical support/advice and by supplying lots of praise and encouragement!
We aim to build the children’s self-confidence and self-esteem, thus laying the foundations for a successful and positive disposition to learning, both now and in the future.
Horsted Keynes Preschool is at the heart of the community in Horsted Keynes and operates from The Village Hall, just off Station Road. We are a small, friendly village Preschool, happily serving the local community and surrounding areas caring for children from 2 to starting school. The Preschool has been running for over 40 years (Since 1994 in our current building). There have been a number of former Preschoolers bringing their children along! in fact our Manager, Clare, attended Preschool herself.
Most of our attendees are from the village and go on to education in the village’s primary school, but children from outside the village or who hope to attend a different primary school are of course also encouraged to attend.
The preschool has very strong links both with the ‘First steps’ toddler group that is held once a week in the Martindale and with the village primary school. We regularly attend such things as the school production and our ‘Rising Fives’ (pre-schoolers who will be going up to primary school the following September) have a chance from Summer term to visit the primary school regularly to meet the reception class and teacher and enjoy story time. Our Manager and the reception teacher work closely together to make such things as transitions as easy as possible for your child.
The Village Hall offers preschool a generous amount of space for its use and this enables the children to select from a number of different activities each session. Children have free choice from a wide range of resources based around the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ principles.
The children also benefit from a beautiful dedicated preschool garden and the easy access to the fields behind which ensures our children have daily opportunity for fresh air and exercise. Walks in the Fields and to the park are very popular with children and parents alike, of course, risk assessments are carried out before any such activity and parental permission is always obtained in advance on our registration forms. We also have ample off-road parking - a must for safe drop-offs and pick-ups.
We are managed by a voluntary management committee made of the parents of children at preschool and have five members of staff; each of whom brings a different talent to the care of the children, ensuring a well-rounded approach to the EARLY LEARNING GOALS.