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Can my child bring things in from home?Yes, as long as they are named and Parents/Carers understand that it's not our responsibility if they go missing.
How do I know what's going on at the Preschool?That's simple, just take a look at the Diary and you'll see everythiing that's coming up!
Is there a uniform?Whilst not compulsory, we do offer a partial Preschool uniform for the children to wear. This consists of a T-Shirt and / or Sweatshirtavailable from: There are many benefits of wearing a uniform including: Protecting good clothes during messy play, making children easy to spot during outings, saving the arguments over what to wear to school everyday and helping to prepare them for the transition to Primary School We do have some spares and second-hand uniform for sale.
What do I do if my child is ill?If your child is unwell please do not bring them to Preschool. Not only are certain illnesses contagious, but when a child is unwell the main carer is the best person to care for the child. If your child has a cold, cough or virus and is showing no other symptoms of being unwell they can continue attending. If your child has sickness and/or diarrhoea they must be kept away from the setting for a minimum of 48 hours after the last episode of sickness and/ or diarrhoea. However, if your child has a raised temperature, continued cough, or is unable to eat, then this indicates that they are not well enough to attend Preschool. Please refer to our 'Managing children who are sick' policy.
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