My First Day
Your child’s first day will be the first booked session after the start of term (see Term Dates).
On their first day, your child will need to bring a named bag with:
A full change of clothes (or more if they are prone to toilet accidents).
Nappies/wipes (if they are in nappies).
Sunhat (We can supply our own hats to each child) and sunscreen in summer
please see our Sun protection policy for more details), wellies and a raincoat if wet, and warm clothes
including gloves when it is cold. -
Slippers/plimsolls for indoor wear.
Comfy toy/blanket etc. (If they have one).
This bag will need to be brought each time your child attends as we do not have the facilities to keep a change of clothes for each child. All items of clothing will need to be named clearly.
Make sure to find the toilets!
Please help your child to locate their named peg in the corridor and hang their belongings on it. Next help them change into their indoor shoes. Once they have their shoes on, please help them to get their photo magnet from their peg and encourage them to bring it to the main hall to place on our self-registration board.
Please wait at the entrance to the main hall at 9:00 am where a member of the team will welcome your child into Preschool.
Your child has a keyperson, whose name you have been given. We will Introduce your child and their keyperson. See our section on ‘Your child’s Keyperson’ for more information.
We have found that children settle in much quicker and easier when they come into Preschool on their own, just as they will at school. The staff will work to ensure your child is given the best opportunity to take this important step towards independence. We are all trained to provide comfort, reassurance and care to every child. If your child does become inconsolably distressed, we would always call you. See our settling in policy
Please return to collect your child by 4:00 pm, waiting in the outside playground area for them to be safely delivered back to you.
If your child is staying for the afternoon session, please bring in a labelled lunch box and place it in the kitchen at the start of the day.
Please return to collect your child by 4:00 pm, waiting in the outside playground area for them to be safely delivered back to you.
Do be prompt when collecting your child as it is distressing for them if you are late. If you arrange for someone else to collect your child you must notify staff and provide a password.
We ask for certain types of key information about your child in advance so that we can meet your child’s needs and help them to have an enjoyable time at Preschool. Please fill in our ‘Registration’ forms to provide us with this information and either return to our administrator via email or print out and hand to the Manager on your first day. If your child has any additional needs including allergies, please inform a member of the team and refer to our 'Special Needs policy'. Please feel free to speak to the team at any point with any concerns, comments or questions.
Remember, if your child is unwell they should not attend Preschool (refer to our 'Sick Children policy').